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Monday, February 28, 2011

Drugs, Money and Power

Subliminal advertising with explanation
shopping mall:
A Gallery of Criminals Posing as Leaders:
3 Cities Rule The World

Ron Paul 'Obama Is Continuing Corporatism We Need To End The Federal Reserve'
Malaysians 4 Change:
Missing Links - The Movie:
There is No evidence that Brain Chemistry can be Balanced with a Pill.
Everything is just Marketing, Propaganda and Profit.

The Marketing of Madness:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mad Economy

We live in a Irrational Fiat Inflationary Bubble Boom-Burst Top-Down Money-out-of-thin-Air Pyramidal Ponji Predatory Shadow-Banking Casino War Economy.

Read the above sentence slowly one word by one word and Figure out if any Sane Hard-working, sincere, man or woman of integrity could survive and succeed in this Type of Mad Economy without ruining the lives of others.
The Great Global Veil of Deceit:
The BilderBerg Group:

End the Illusion - Take back our nation!:
Zero Hedge
New America Now:

The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class -
Elizabeth Warren
YouTube - The Secret of Oz:
Why Another Financial Crash is Certain :
YouTube - TheEbscco's Channel:
The Decline And Fall Of America The Movie Part 1 Episode 1 - The Fall of America and The Western World

What you want is calm and assertive, learn how
Transactional Hard Money vs. The Gold Standard © by L. Reichard White:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Revolution 2011 for a Fiat Global Economy

"When Money stops flowing to Main Street, Blood will start flowing on the streets." Gerald Celente, 25th Feb, 2011

We live in a Irrational Fiat Inflationary Bubble Boom-Burst Top-Down Money-out-of-thin-Air Pyramidal Ponji Predatory Shadow-Banking Casino War Economy. It is Dangerous to Human Rights, Justice and Civilization as we know it. It keeps the Poor, Poor. It makes the Rich Richer. It allows the dominance of Predators, Parasites and Dictators by Stealth, Cunning and insidiousness like Cancer. It demoralizes the Hard Working. It catches the naive unprepared. It is a Mockery to Capitalism and Democracy. It is an insult to the Intelligence of Thinking Men and Women all over the World.

The Last 1 Month was a Month of Unlimited unrest in Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Iran and Wisconsin, USA. Those are just the Symptoms. In reality it is a repressed phenomenon world-wide waiting to explode like a chain of Fire-Crackers World-wide.
Last year It was Iceland, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and UK....More Riots are on the Way.

The Sooner Investors Realize Price of Oil is Being Manipulated by speculators and Cooperate to Stop Playing the Stock Market => THAT will be the True Revolution to end the Fiat-War-Inflationary Economy that is robbing humans out of their dignity like a robber in the night.

New York Plans For Possible Federal Shutdown: The city is making plans to deal with a possible shutdown of the US federal government...

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Bernanke is a Liar - LIAR." Marc Faber

People Must Realize that The Fiat Economic System has Managed to be Artificially Propped up By:
1) 3.5 Billion Poor People in the World
2) Environmental Degradation
3) The Bogus Main Stream Media, Education System and The Television which have numbed the people's brains and Habits.

The Idiotic President of USA, George Bush told America Blatantly,
"We are addicted to Oil" and the Populace agreed like sheep!
The Masked President of USA, Barack Obama told America
"We Need $1 Trillion Printed per Year for the Next 10 years,"
and the Populace Replied, "Yes, We Can."


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Great Global Veil of Deceit

Wake Up! It is Time to PULL DOWN THE GREAT Global VEIL: It is time for a Global Insurrection against: Terrorist Shadow Central Off Shore Bankers; Dictators in Suit and Tie; Crooked Oligarchs; Deceitful Politicians, their Lobbyists and Cronies AND ALL SECRET SOCIETIES, CARTELS and CABALS controlling the People by Proxy.
Everybody must wake up. It is a Complete Disgrace. After 1000 years of Universities, Constitutions, Laws and 365 Global Meetings per year. Wasting Tax Payers money; 200 People's Parliaments; 40,000 Parliament Members and Congressmen, ALL THAT WE ARE HAVING IS a SYSTEM hijacked and run by Proxy, by Hidden Hands, Gangsters, Underworld, Secret Societies with the FRONT of Innocence, Truth and Justice. This is a Great Bullshit we are going to leave for posterity!

We must all Rise up Against the SYSTEM. WHAT TYPE OF SYSTEM IS THIS that allows 1 Billion People Without Food; 2 Billion People without proper Housing; 3 Billion Without Education; 4 Billion People without Health, 5 Billion People Thinking the Monetary System is Real. 6 Billion People Playing Rat Racing and Chasing Inflation and 7 Billion People with No Peace ? We MUST Tell the Governments they are NOT doing their Job and We Cannot Continue to Allow Foxes To Guard The Hen House!

Yea, We all know where this all Leads to...Bilderberg Group and the Rothschilds. But we can start by taking on the Foxes wearing Suits and Ties: By Ending The Unconstitutional FED; And, Who the hell says, there is such a thing as "Too Big To Fail." These are the fronts of the Veils the Crooks are Hiding behind. These people, to Protect Certain Oligarchs, have Hijacked the very Foundations of Reason, Logic, Justice and Human Rights!

The BilderBerg Group:

To be Banned by the US Government,
Jordan Maxwell interviewed by Project Camelot:
The American Dream:
Activist Post:

Now I know why Great Men of Perception told us stories through Fables, Parables and Allegories: BECAUSE THE GREAT GLOBAL VEIL OF DECEIT is so well knit that the general populace on the street will not SEE it until there is NO FOOD ON THEIR TABLE.

Empowered For Life - SHINE

I was honoured Yesterday to Witness a Great Transformation being attempted in Malaysia: This is the First of its kind with a Difference in Social Engineering and Entrepreneurship: We all are aware of the the Great Struggles in Socio- Economic Changes going on in every country of the World. So I am neither proud nor ashamed to say it as it is: There is a Lot of Work to do. However, a Brave group of about 30 People under the Leadership of Jacky Cheng and Mario Gunter and the Guidance of Dr.Ramesh Nambiar and Azeeza Jalalluddin have garnered enough courage to do a Never Done Before Social Entrepreneurship Project with a Difference. They are organising a Gala dinner on the 7th of May, 2011 - entitled: EMPOWERED FOR LIFE GALA DINNER. Normally Gala dinners are Charity and Donation Drives. However, this is a special Gala Dinner, mainly for Corporates in Malaysia who want their staff to get Motivation, Inspiration and Knowledge to face THE CHALLENGES OF THE Post 2008, 21st Century Challenges. The World Changed in September 11th, 2001. We are Now in The Era of the New new New World of Post 2008 Global Economic Crisis. This event was a Water Shed Event in the Annals of Time: Unless people see and understand it they won't be able to adapt accordingly and bring about the correct behavior, attitude and mind-set to make their Corporates a Successful organization in a Highly Globalized and Competitive World. Preparing the Minds to Face a New era is the Key. The Group is Planning to train 10,000 People over 20 weeks after the Gala dinner. The proceeds from the Dinner will go to selected Beneficiaries worthy of receiving a Grant of about RM200,000 each to start off a sustainable business that will be able to provide enough PROFIT to do SOCIAL WORK. This is THE DIFFERENCE. In essence: They Plan to Teach People to Fish and Feed themselves for LIFE, rather than Feed them a Fish and only Feed them for a day. So Everybody, Keep out for this Special Date with Destiny: Occasion: EMPOWERED FOR LIFE, GALA DINNER. DATE: 7th May, 2011. Time: 7.30pm VENUE: Dewan Mardi, Putrajaya, MALAYSIA


SHINE - Empowered for LIFE:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quantitative Easing Explained

Quantitative Easing Explained:

The Federal Reserve is Laundering Money:

Explaining the left-right paradigm to a co worker!:

Corporate Dominance Explained:

7 Billion of us are held captive through corporate dominance. What is Corporate Dominance ? It is the SYSTEM in which we are in. What is the SYSTEM? The Military, Industrial, Fiat, Monetary, War, Inflationary, Boom-Bust, Money-out-of-thin-Air System. What does it do? It puts People in Debt the day they are born. And Then? It makes them addicted to Money, Materialism and TV. So ? Then they believe that is True and Live by that value-culture. And Then ? The Rich Become Richer and The Poor Become Poorer. What do the Rich do with all that Money? They end up in Traffic Jams, Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Diseases, Stress, Mental Illnesses. What about the Poor? They Riot. What about the Government? They print Money to build Mightier Armies, Police and Corporations. Why ? Because they were born into the same Debt System. How do you mean? They have to borrow to build. Then who pays for it ? The Poor Pay for it. Really ? Of course, We live in a finite Socio-economic-geopolitical and Physical Eco-System. Excess of Anything will topple the Balance. What are we having Excess of ? Nuclear Bombs, Industrial Waste, Sick Politicians and their Lobbyists. What can we do ? Nothing, they call it affluence! Oh My God.!!!

Monsanto's Commitment to Sustainable Agriculture
What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)

Commodities Trader speaks on 9/11
In Lies We Trust The CIA, Hollywood Bioterrorism Trailer.flv
Monsanto's Commitment to Sustainable Agriculture
Monsanto: End of Life
2 Million Chant In Unison, "To Jerusalem We Are Heading..Martyrs In The Millions!"

The Great Water Heist
The Great Water Heist- Part 2
Food Shortages And Global Economic Riots In 2011!!!!!!!!!

Michael Shaw AGENDA 21

Meltup Update Video

Meltdown | Thomas E Woods, Jr.

The Truth about ADHD


My Mission: Online Activist for the Underdog

I am a self appointed Online Activist: Since October 2008

In October 2008, When for the 1st Time in 7 years George Bush was on the Headlines of our Malaysian National News Papers announcing Global Financial Catastrophe. I knew something deeper was amiss. I searched for nearly a year, no one wants to admit.
Just 5 or 6 people casually agreed. I held on to my thoughts for another year, October 2010 - I hit pay back time. I found so many facebook friends in agreement and gave me more evidence to get the full picture.

Now my Mission: Online Activist for the Underdog: Tell the World the truth to change it. Because the Main stream Media has been lying for the Last 100 years all over the world!!!!!!

If you visit my Facebook or Blog - You can get the General idea. I went through the School of Positive Thinking and Motivation in the early 1990s. I strongly feel an ingredient is missing from today's Tutorials and Only a few Motivators like Robert Kiyosaki and Mike Maloney dare to talk about it.

Malaysians and Singaporeans are still in Lullaby Land, generally speaking.
I do not blame them. The system has dulled their Minds.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Civil War in Libya. BBC

How to Protest: For the latest news on the protests in , , , , & visit:

Pastor Rod Parsley: Conquering the Spirit of Debt:
BBC World News: 'The City Of London: Money & Power':
Edward Rynearson
Ellen Brown, author, Web of Debt. She is a leading advocate of public banking (as opposed to letting private bankers create money out of nothing and then lend it to the rest of us at interest.)

Protesters in Wisconsin Say They Are Staying Put -
YouTube - Defense Against the Psychopath :
The System - City of London - Money & Power:

The History of Coca-Cola - (1 of 10)
A Poisoned World - Pt1 - Big Pharma & the FDA
Max Keiser Boycott Coca Cola
Ellen Brown:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

YouTube - The great global warming swindle -

Joe Rogan – The American War Machine (Warning Explicit Language): You Tube | Behind the rhetoric, the real reaso...
YouTube - - Bush Family Fortunes- Greg Palast
911 - the TRUTH:

Greg Palast
Bahrain protesters remain in square: Hundreds of pro-reform supporters spend night at Manama's Pearl Roundabout
The Bankruptcy of the United States:

The 6 Day War of 1967 - Norman Finkelstein vs Tom Segev 1/4
Here is the Official C.I.A.| Before It's News:
YouTube - Marc Faber: US govt will go bankrupt:
Gerald Celente on The Ray Appleton show 1.27.11:

Documentary Films Online:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The System - City of London

Our society runs on War. It is called the Military-Industrial Complex.
It is a Fiat War Infationary Boom-Bust Money-out-of thin-Air Economic System.

1 of 2 David Icke talks on Rothschild Zionsim
It is about time the Civilian People of the World come to understand that there is No such thing as a Government FOR the People. A Government unchecked constantly is a FOX created by the people to manage the HEN house.
3 Cities Rule The World

Today I watched a Documentary on BBC.
Title: The City of London: Money & Power
Salient Features Narrated were:

1) London City is Run by and belongs to Bankers and Merchants.
2) It is separated from the Royal Territory by a Pillar with a dragon on it.
3) Even the Queen must ask permission to enter that territory.
4) The Royalty borrow Money for their Rule or Conquests from the Merchants.
5) It is a symbiotic relationship. Merchants need the Royalty to mesmerize the people and keep them hoping.
6) The City runs on Greed, Gambling and Competition.
7) Financial weapons of mass destruction are created, accepted and used.
8) You Come to the City to Live by the sword and die by the sword.
9) If you Lose, there is a door, you can Leave.
10) This is the way it has been for Centuries and will always be.

I was perplexed by this Blatant Narration.
This is the same pattern copied all over the world after 1945 and the British Colonial Rule. That is why there are many riots - People are rioting against a System they did not think will come into existence over time and by stealth.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Affluence 2.0

The US has been using words to mean exactly the opposite of what they really mean. This is Deception: e.g. Defense spending means Attack Spending. Statue of Liberty means Statue of Slavery. Value meal means No Nutrition Meal. Credit Card means Debt Card. Quantitative Easing Means Financial Pressure building. Free means Pay with interest later. Patriot Actmeans Unpatriotic Act. Change means More of the Same. United Nations means Un-united Nations.

7 Billion of us are held captive through corporate dominance. What is Corporate Dominance ? It is the SYSTEM in which we are in. What is the SYSTEM? The Military, Industrial, Fiat, Monetary, War, Inflationary, Boom-Bust, Money-out-of-thin-Air System. What does it do? It puts People in Debt the day they are born. And Then? It makes them addicted to Money, Materialism and TV. So ? Then they believe that is True and Live by that value-culture. And Then ? The Rich Become Richer and The Poor Become Poorer. What do the Rich do with all that Money? They end up in Traffic Jams, Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Diseases, Stress, Mental Illnesses. What about the Poor? They Riot. What about the Government? They print Money to build Mightier Armies, Police and Corporations. Why ? Because they were born into the same Debt System. How do you mean? They have to borrow to build. Then who pays for it ? The Poor Pay for it. Really ? Of course, We live in a finite Socio-economic-geopolitical and Physical Eco-System. Excess of Anything will topple the Balance. What are we having Excess of ? Nuclear Bombs, Industrial Waste, Sick Politicians and their Lobbyists. What can we do ? Nothing. They call it affluence! Oh My God.!!!

USA vs US:
Foundation of Human Understanding:

Defense against the Psychopath

9/11 Missing Links:
Higher Taxes on Top 1% Equals Higher Productivity
Ron Paul on The Kudlow Report CNBC 02/14/11
Theft By Deception -- Deciphering The Federal Income Tax
America:Freedom to Fascism(Full)

Celtic Woman - Amazing Grace
Celtic Woman - You raise me up HQ Lyrics (Best Version Ever)
Riz Khan - Mother of the revolution

US Black Debt Hole: 'We want you all bankrupt!' / The Commodities note - Iron ore, the true king of commoditiesAmerica, Pay Attention. Egypt showing you how to care. America O America you have been robbed, deceived and plundered by your own Leaders, Congressmen and CEOs. You are the only Nation on earth that welcomes thieves in Tie and Suit and then reexports their fraud and plunder.
The US Could Never Protest Like Egypt Has - by comedian Lee Camp

The Wake Up Project: The Arrivals - PART 4
Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Version)
The Fed Has Failed: Money Printing Can't Create Actual JobsRon Paul
Why We Are In So Much Debt I: Concepts (full video)
Brain Washing ( Jesus Camp ''Highlights'' )

Harvard's Niall Ferguson Schools Her on Muslim Brotherhood and Caliphate
US Economy Has Finally Lost Control of its Debt - Jan. 7th 2011
The Secret of Oz

US protests are lame, apathetic

The Egyptian Revolution enters a new stage;

Kirk MacKenzieWhy We Are In So Much Debt I: Concepts (full video)
The Future of Food: What Every Person Should ...
58 min - 21 Nov 2006

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Money as Debt

Money As Debt 1-4
Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed (1 of 8)

The Money Masters - Full

Revolution Harry: The Treaty of Verona and the Deception That is the Magna Carta.:

In Egypt, Disparate Groups of Protesters Unite in Hopes of Ousting Mubarak
The US Could Never Protest Like Egypt Has - by comedian Lee Camp
Egyptian Revolution 2011 COMPLETE. World MUST MUST watch this. Freedom for All!
Inspirational Video - The Don't Quit Poem

The US is the Largest Economy in the World, controlling 25% of the Globe's GDP. It is also the World's Policeman since 1945. My questions are: Are US Dollars going to Preserve and Promote Life OR Destroy, Deceive and Crush Peace, Happiness and Life ? Does US Dollars go to preserve some preferred forms of Life over other forms of Living? What is the Basis of the choice?
Is US Dollars punishing the poor and weak to protect the Big and Mighty ? Is the value of all Human Life on Earth the same at Birth ? Is there one Law for some and another Law for others ? Is there one Law above the table and another under ? Are the Leaders we see on TV, Puppets? Who are the Puppet Masters ? Why are we Listening to them ?

Ben Bernanke Is A Liar
Federal Reserve Bank will fail by December 2012
Dec 21, 2010 9:31am
You raise me Up (with lyrics)

Story of a Palestinian Girl
Acts of Omission is a form of aiding and abetting. It is called enabling. Know what American tax dollars are doing throughout the world. You are doing what you may think you are not doing because your government is doing it on your behalf.

The Hindu : News / International : Mubarak reported ailing
Ancient Aliens - Aliens and the Third Reich s02 e05 Part 1
TheraminTrees - Conformity
GENERAL SULEIMAN * Zeid and the Wings
What is the Capital of Israel!

Cynthia Mckinney Reveals 5,000 Executed Post Katrina
New Madrid - Gas - Yellowstone and The Gulf of Mexico Pt 1 of 2
The Wake Up Project: The Arrivals - PART 4

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Peter Schiff

I am Israel.
If you knew:

The Israeli Occupation:
Gaza Massacre by Israel:
Remember Gaza:
I am Israel (Documentary Film) English version

Authors@Google: Peter Schiff
Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One | Peter Schiff
Ron Paul's Full Speech at CPAC 2011: The Brushfires of Freedom Are Burning!
Peter Schiff Mortgage Bankers Speech Nov/13/06
Market sell off, bogus GDP, Japan downgrade, credit cards
Israel Stole Jewish Identity

Merger Could Take NYSE Out of American Control
Obama proposes mortgage overhaul
Jim Corr: Top-down engineered financial crash designed to take over Europe
Fed Doled Out 9 Trillion
9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve,Fed Inspector General Can't Explain

Sukiyaki 上を向いて歩こう Kyu Sakamoto 坂本九
Chinese Jews from Kaifeng arrive in Israel 2009 - a moving documentary
How Big is the U.S. Debt?
The Dollar Bubble

The American Dream Film-Full Length
Israel Stole Jewish Identity

Friday, February 11, 2011


Rape is the greatest indignity of Mankind.
All Rape should be prosecuted.
There are those who rape women.
and Women who Rape men.
Children are also raped.
Then there are those who rape the Environment,
and others who rape the Climate.
Even Food, Water and Air is Raped.
There are Governments that rape tax payers.
And some CEOs who rape the Banks while,
employers rape employees.
There are judges who rape justice and
doctors who rape patients.
The meanest are those who Rape Nations.
All should be prosecuted.
Rape is the Greatest indignity of Mankind.


Aretha Franklin - Think (Freedom) - official music version
Animal Farm

Post-Mubarak era dawns on Egypt

Global Atrocities

"In a Fiat World of Deception, Truth takes a back seat. It is our duty to usher her to the front." David Jeremiah
Democracy Now! - John Pilger on Empire 1 of 5
John Pilger "The Invisible Government" Part 1/4
Chris Hedges' Empire of Illusion | The New School

Rape Club - Japan
Island of the Lost Children - France
Children for Sale - 04 Jun 07 - Part 1
Child Prostitution - South Africa
Sex Slaves - Italy

Rape Laws in Islamic Pakistan
Iraqi Prostitutes - Syria
Lifting the Hood - Iraq
Fallujah: The Real Story - Iraq


The Invisible Empire - John Pilger

Rattansi & Ridley-Contagious Revolution Sweeping in Arab World-02-08-2011-(Part2)
PIMCO's Mohamed El-Erian on Crisis in Egypt
Stephen Donnelly & David McWilliams - Prime Time

Max Keiser: Precious metals going higher? I'm a buyer!

'Corrupt' Mubarak fortune in focus as Western cash donors exposed - NATIVE AMERICANS: MORE THAN BOWS AND ARROWS - Uploaded by TruceAssholes

The Environmental Cost of China's Growth - The environmental cost of growth - Uploaded by goldsilvy
This is China
China Military Video
Inside Story - Modernising China's military

Chossudovsky: China could already be world's largest economy
Democracy Now! - John Pilger on Empire 1 of 5
John Pilger "The Invisible Government" Part 1/4
Chris Hedges' Empire of Illusion | The New School
CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)

Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura Worldwide Water Conspiracy Full length version
